my name is green

Friday, May 2, 2008

Today I was a hero.

They said that girls were laughing at me when I was attacking the dogs with a stick. I had no shirt on, and my jeans was wet upto the thighs with the ends folded upto the knees. I was barefoot. Maybe it was a comical sight.

We were sitting on the beach. Me, Veni and Vaish. Veni asked will I come back to them and I started talking to them about the uncertainty of life. How, 2 years back, I had no idea I would be at a beach in Chennai. It was unimaginable. So, how can I tell where I would be next? The fact was I was afraid to make a promise to return back.

Then we heard the dogs. There were a bunch of 6-7 dogs biting and throwing a little white puppy around. Where was its mother? Why were they doing this? We had no idea.

We should do something. I said to Vaish.


We still hesitated a bit. Then I moved forward and Vaish got up. It was good to have her behind me. I took a stick and moved towards the dogs. They soon scattered, leaving the puppy alone.

We go down to see the little guy. His cries sounded very much human. He was fully white, but sand was stuck on various parts of his body. There was a red gash on his chest. He was afraid of us, but soon saw that we were friends. We couldnt remove all the sand as we were afraid to touch any hidden wounds.

We decided to take him home, and treat him - and then maybe leave him but at least his wounds would be fine. The kid almost slept in Vaish's arms. I felt like a hero. I had fought the bad guys and saved a life.

At home, Akka took a look at him. She happens to have a PhD in pharmacy and already has 2 dogs. They were in the kitchen. I got out as it was becoming crowded and wanted the dog to be examined in peace.

Few mins later, I asked about him to one of the girls. She told me that akka said it had no chances of survival and would be dead within 8 hours. There was nothing we could do, so they had left him outside to die. It was a hidden place and the other dogs wouldnt see him there.


At December 26, 2008 at 2:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...



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