my name is green

Sunday, August 30, 2009


He arranges all the files into proper folders.
Shuts down the system.
Clears the desk.
Checks his schedule for the next day.

Today's targets - almost completed. Rest can be covered tomorrow.
He is in control.

Slides into the bed peacefully.
But five minutes into sleep, the subconscious erupts.

Friday, August 28, 2009


While I am sitting trying to objectively evaluate a presentation some people are giving about some industry they are saving I suddenly hear a voice - her voice, the tone I've not heard in years. And all she says is my name.


Friday, August 21, 2009

Mother and Son

he does not listen to whatever I say I feel he cuts with his logic his words and knowledge which are so clear he is so intelligent

but I cant say everything with words
he does not understand.

you are right ma, but I am beginning to...

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Social Work

Last night, there was a girl outside my hostel room.
Just outside the next to next room.

She was smoking cigarettes one after the another.

Today morning, I saw the place littered with stubs.
She was here for an event concerning social work.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The sound doesnt matter..

.. if you sing from the heart.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

What are you running from?

When you find the urge
to read a book
to talk to a friend
or any other escape you can

Stop running
simply sit and
just do it.